コメント | 先の森の運動会のオクターブを、一部下げるなどして、ボカロに歌ってもらいました。MMLはカラオケです。 Come out, come out, everyone. It's a sports day. Forest sports day. The foot race begins. Good luck to both Rabbit and Monkey In the bread eating competition, Spot-billed Duck ate it all. In the candy eating competition, Bear taps a box of candy. Skylark chirping with a nice voice, cheering contest Wildcat, please don't raise your claws in a cavalry battle. In the slow bicycle riding competition, Gorilla's bicycle was crushed. In the costume parade, Peacock looks like he's not wearing a costume The two of us are on three legs, Flamingo, and they are perfectly aligned. Flying squirrel puts the ball in the air and takes a dunk shot. Who is that kid over there with red tincture on his knees?
出て来い出て来いみんな。 運動会だよ 森の運動会 始まるよ徒競走。 ウサギさんとお猿さん、どちらもがんばれ パン食い競争はカルガモさん、全部食べちゃった 飴食い競争は熊さん、飴の箱をトントン いい声で鳴いてるヒバリさん、応援合戦 山猫さんは騎馬戦、爪を立てないでね 自転車おそ乗り競争はゴリラさん、自転車がつぶれちゃった クジャクさん仮装行列、仮装してないみたい 二人三脚はフラミンゴさん、足並みばっちり揃ってる 玉入れはムササビさん、飛んでダンクシュート あそこの膝小僧に赤チンを塗ってる子は誰? |