サクラトップ > 掲示板トップ > リスト > tanzen Sie in Klickenklang

サクラ曲掲示板 Part 5 - tanzen Sie in Klickenklang

曲 名 tanzen Sie in Klickenklang
作 者 Pitchbend Master Records
転 載 全て許可 (Rmakeへの転載は問合わせ)
ジャンル ダンス・エレクトロニカ
音 源 Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth
日 付 2007/11/17 00:56:50
GOOOOD EVENINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! It's Click-Techno this time. Minimal in Minimal Development..

: パスワード:  (人に優しく)

零ゼロw which thought that what a foreigner made with a cherry tree though I could say in ... / the drum user to be able to manage terrible as ever should have spread free software called "the cherry tree" out of the expectation open sea

Representative user making music of the hard rock may be you
oto ni taisuru kodawari o kanzirunodesita. hitotu hitotu no buhin ga sikkari tukurikomareteru no desita. monosugoku tenareta kanji ga simasu.
Pitchbend Master Records>a cherry tree
Perhaps, "Sakura" is more comprehensible than "a cherry tree".
I'm not fond of hard-rock...But Techno used rock-base is my favolite sound!!!!
> monosugoku tenareta kanji ga simasu
Really??It's defeated at you.
monosugoku tenareta kanji ga simasu\nReally??It's defeated at you. ">編集


サクラトップ > 掲示板トップ > リスト > tanzen Sie in Klickenklang